The world of the paranormal is one of the most misunderstood and ill-researched fields of life on earth and has, in this day and age, become all but a joke with the broadcast of countless reality shows run by people with questionable credentials. Phenomena beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation has proven to be almost impossible to investigate and accurately document. Elizabeth Baron's research is the rare exception; she has consistently sought to prove the existence of life after death over a period of nearly 40 years. Other researchers throughout history (Blavatsky, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Houdini, Maurice Maeterlinck, et. al.) all tried in earnest to find evidence that there is life beyond this world, life after death. But no one has been as tireless and determined to document true accounts of the many examples that evidences such phenomena; and this great teacher shows us these lessons by the example of her own life.
Elizabeth's memoir is about a real American girl born in the Depression Era deep south - a "Coal Miner's Daughter" tale, if you will, that follows her metamorphosis from a small cocoon to a woman of the world in 20th Century America, and on into the post 9/11 21st Century. She actively sought and found her place in order to live out a highly challenging destiny - what she refers to as her "sacred path," rife with obstacles, pain, suffering, loss and ultimately surrendering to the paternal comfort of the Great White Light she calls her Creator. Her undying belief in the power of prayer, the endless searching through the marvels and wonders of the many faiths that inspired her, constantly striving towards the reconciliation of her physical body to her spirit body, not to mention what she calls the mainstay of her life's work: her consistent message that meditation, going within and the silence of the mind could stop all wars, heal all wounds and bring about great revelations in body, mind and spirit is more than provocative. From the back hills of Tennessee to big city Chicago to San Diego where she studied and honed her craft - to her home in Charleston, South Carolina - the stories are entrancing, enthralling and full of vim and vigor. This book will surely end up having a second volume to follow... the stories are too numerous for a single edition. [more...]