Tonight they hit rock bottom suggesting that three celebrities - Oprah, Angelina Jolie and Paris Hilton - actually may influence the presidential race! I was appalled listening to a puppet/talking head from The Britto Agency trying to convince the ST audience that Oprah is a "global voice" with massive influence; and that Paris Hilton is well versed! We all know who these celebrities are and any sensible person knows that these people are the LAST ones to go to for advice on anything relative to practical existence in America.
All I can say is that people of all races, creeds, colors and religions need to band together from this day forward and vow to curb their television viewing, shut out this kind of influence and brainwashing, and start thinking for themselves. What kind of person would ask Oprah Winfrey what book to read? Having been so incredibly rich and famous most of her life, she's so far out of touch with most of us; there's no way she could possibly be able to empathize with ANY of us, much less be able to tell us what to read! How could she possibly understand our problems, much less be able to choose a candidate for us?
It's the same with sports figures. Many consider them to be "heroes" - but they're not; they're athletes with special abilities. Heroes are those men and women who are sacrificing their lives so we can live free in America. Heroes are scientists that are working day and night to find cures for diseases. Heroes are those who give of themselves unselfishly that others may live fruitful lives.
Celebrities should be just that - people who got famous for one reason or another - not who tell us how to live our lives and especially not who to vote for! Americans need to break the spell of these marketing magicians by turning off and tuning out and reprioritizing their lives to include what really matters most: family, friends, home and love.
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