I've recommended this program to more people than I can recall. Mostly women. But almost everybody who wants to make an impression and change their lives for the better needs to watch this show.
'What Not to Wear' not only encourages people to dress appropriately, it teaches people how to tap in to their own personal style from within - whether it's for professional purposes or just going to the grocery store. And they don't stop at clothes. They transform the person all around - mentally, physically and eventually ... spiritually.
Look around... your local high school is filled with girls walking around in belly shirts and hip-huggers that reveal almost everything... not to mention the tattoos and piercings. 'What Not to Wear' teaches these women to dress properly... and yet stylishly and sexy without being trashy.
They take these girls who are dressed like total hookers and make them into respectable professionals, mothers, homemakers, and career women - then, transplant them back into their lives - only better and smarter.
...and these fashion experts are notably conservative in this day and age. They answer the questions that a lot of people just don't have the answers to...
How to dress properly for my body type and how to buy nice clothes
They really teach women to go back to the modesty that once was so wonderful about being a woman, instead of the trashy way most of the celebs reveal themselves and how they're EXPECTED to show so much skin... and how they influence regular women and girls to do the same.
Here are some great 'What Not to Wear' quotes:
- After 25, hemlines are an issue.
- You'd be a knock-out if you were polished.
- We need to address quality and fit.
- Why is nothing hugging your curves correctly?
- Age appropriate and flattering.
- Synthetic animal prints are like a polyester petting zoo exploding.
- Tube tops no more!
- There's no way you can go outdoors in this outfit ever again!
- This is not the way a successful woman dresses.
- We just want you to dress the way a successful grown-up woman dresses.
- Go out and find colour, just keep it simple and cover up.
- We want the people to see the outfit after they see you.
- Girls MUST wear bras... and keep the 'girls' up where they're supposed to be.
- Invest in more expensive pieces; everybody needs a perfect pair of black pants. This will carry you through years from now.
- Less skin: classic staples.
- Flashy, skimpy, tight and bright - NO!
- Sexy in a cool, modern, feminine way.
- You've chosen a fabric that's a silk that comes away from the body.
- We're not seeing too much.
- Look how great the butt looks because of the rich fabric!
- It's about going for slightly higher quality fabric so you can wear it for a long time.
- Below the knee... we don't get any tummy... the hips look flawless. You can do fitted, not skin-tight. The idea is to make you look in-charge, powerful.
- They realize you're giving them a haircut and not a lap dance (to a stylist).
This show is more conservative than MOST of the fashion movement, which is refreshing today. They actually chastise their subjects when they are bad influences on their kids.
You know as well as I do how important image is... and most Hollywood celebs are portraying images that are slutty and trashy; yet Stacy & Clinton discourage stripper- and hooker-ware... and encourage sophisticated, stylish and "COVERED UP."
No more spaghetti straps!! (for most women who are in need of a good, supportive bra)
If there had been a Sephora, Carmindy and What Not to Wear when I was in my 20s, I would have been much more successful!